Jan 292012


Part 2 Rev. 8:7-12

And We Will Watch


First question: Is it possible to know how fast this comet is traveling?

We have time and distance.

Second question: Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

We have a time a time frame.

Third question: Is it possible to know where this comet will hit the earth?

The passages are detailed.

 All in theory, But you will be the Judge!


In Revelations Part 1, I established a meaningful sequence between passages 7 thru 12, another words I reorganized these passages for a more reasonable understanding. Normally, a person would automatically reason out a meaningful understanding with these passages and move on. But, by making these corrections I have found very simple clues that suggest that other information has become more attainable.

We all know that it is anticipated that our earth will someday encounter a catastrophic event of similarities talked about in Rev 8: 7-12. Using these passages, it is possible to determine the amount of area that will be affected by an impact and the falling debris. There is a common reference of “one third” respectively spoken about. I can only assume that one third of the Eurasian continent surface area will be decimated. This brings to light; much more information can be retrieved from these passages.

The clues in passages Rev 8: 7-12, give a very simple and prominent reference point to the location in which the comet named Wormwood will impact the earth. But keep in mind that this comet is not referred to as wormwood until after it poisons the waters! I will display my findings, as the clues are right in front of us. I do not have a degree in astrophysics, so my calculations are rough proximities and simple mathematical gestures. My interpretations are a theory; you the reader in your own frame of mind will decipher your own conclusions.

Now that we have the capacity to see millions of miles into space, we will see and know this star/comet/asteroid; what ever it will be called. And people will watch this star with their naked eye, with great horror as it collides with the sun, then there may be two suns, that would be eerie! After two weeks, the trajectory will again be known; there will be utter chaos! As the inhabitance of earth will watch the collision between the comet and the moon, darkness will fall over the earth like a hangman’s veil before the drop. There will be a unsettling, but spectacular display of fireworks in the earth’s skies as the first bits of debris start to enter our atmosphere, and then impact.

As a recap of Rev 8:7 -12 as a reference to, and for those that have not read Part 1, I have placed these same following passages in the order that is viewed in their sequenced structure. I have labeled these passages as events followed by passage reference.

(asteroid/comet entering the solar system)

1st event from 8:10 – there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp.

And we watched! 

2nd event: from 8:12 – the third part of the sun was smitten.

And we watched!

3rd event from 8:12 – and the third part of the moon!

And we watched!

4th event from 8:12 – and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them –

was darkened and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise,

There is a 8 to 14 hour time span between these two passages.

5th event from 8:10 – and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the

fountains of waters!

6th event from 8: 7 – and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt


7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast

upon the earth:

 8th event from 8:11 – and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters!

 9th event from 8:8 – and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into

     the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

10th event from 8:9 – And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea,

and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.


                                                                     Chapter One

Is it possible to know how fast this comet is traveling?

Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

4th event from 8:12 – ….. the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Take notice that a third part of a day is four hours, and a third part of night is also four hours; we now have “time”. This gives us an 8-hour time span between event 4 and 5. Another words we have a eight (8) to fourteen (14) hour period before the earth is hit. Now why up to 14 hours? I am taking into consideration that the debris field from the comet – moon impact, will take up to six (6) hours approximately to blanket 1/3 of the stars from our view. The 8-hour count down really starts when 1/3 of the stars are shaded from earth view, therefore this comet has to traveling much slower than I originally calculated.

Note: To understand this concept, if the comet hits the moon and then hits the earth at to high of speed; then the comet will hit the earth before 1/3 of the stars are shaded from view; caused by the space debris field. If the comet hits the moon at to slow of speed, then we would only receive the debris in our atmosphere and the comet would likely pass right on by earth; although it would be close.

Now the real fun begins!

The distance between the earth and the moon has an average distance of 238,855 miles. Now, we have two very important numbers, time and distance; in which case we can calculate a speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph, or 38.8 to 22.18 times the speed of sound.

Now, provided the sun really is made up of dense gases, I can presume that this comets speed would somewhat be altered at – sun impact, therefore after this comet hits and leaves the sun, it then will travel 92,761,145 miles along with much debris at a approximate speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph; it will then hit the moon in 129.4 to 226.5 days or 18.5 to 32 weeks. Now, I also presume the comet will slow down when it hits the moon, but; to keep time and speed simple, I made no time and speed alterations that would be considered during both impacts.

Note: Now, the Space Shuttle’s reentry speed is 30,000 km/h; 18,000 mph. The anticipated speed of this comet is 17,061 to 29,856 mph; making the speed of the comet a very worthy ingredient to what follows in the written behaviors found in Rev 8: 7-12. This implication is supported by the 7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: What I perceive here is that a comet coming though the earths atmosphere faster than 30,000 mph, would either skip off the atmosphere or explode before it hit the ground. There would be no hail/ice being cast upon the earth; it would all very much be vaporized.

Also take note that we could end up with two suns maybe permanently or temporarily for a couple of months. At first note, the 1st event from 8:10 – there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp. The major clue in this 1st event is that it is called a “star”; this I perceive that it can be seen by the naked eye before it collides with the sun as referred to in the 2nd event: from 8:12 – the third part of the sun was smitten.

Now, can we approximate the size of this star?  I think we can get close by doing a simple resource on this matter. So how big is big. To develop an idea of how big we are talking about here; Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn can be seen with the naked eye from earth, if you know where to look. This tells us that we will be viewing something big – very big; although, we will be looking for something a little more outstanding or something more vivid.


Lets just view Venus only, it is known as the morning star; it can be at times viewed at sunrise. The diameter of Venus is 403,891 miles less than the Earth’s, and its mass is 81.5% of the Earth’s, again it will be possible to see this Star talked about in Rev 8:10. The Suns surface area is about 11,990 times the surface area of the Earth. The diameter of the Sun is about 864,949 miles, or about 109 times that of Earth. Now the question is, how big does this star have to be to approach the sun, collide, and leave with enough mass to yet smitten the moon and hit the earth. Now, the temperature of the Suns photosphere is about 6,000 K, and above that is the solar corona, which has temperatures between 1,000,000–2,000,000 K. Now, 1000 K = 1340.6 ºF, so we are talking some pretty serious temperatures here.

This Star is traveling at a speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph. At a million miles out from the Sun; this Stars surface temperature is possibly already reaching 2.68 million degrees F and will already be emitting a bright white glow with a enormous vapor trail. The gravitational pull from both the Star and the Sun ever so increases the speed of the Star as it enters the Suns corona with a spectacular explosion colliding with the Suns hyper-super heated heavy dense gasses. After the comet’s impact with the sun, it receives the same extreme temperatures that it first encountered on its approach; This object approached the Sun as a star and leaves as a small comet, but still sizeable enough too cause damage to the moon and to the designated area on earth. I perceive the original size of this Star to be at least 3 times plus (wild guess visualization) the size of earth; but still the Sun still remaining 106 times larger than this star.

These scriptures 8:7-12 in question, give a very visual descriptive and precise definition of what is to happen. I perceive them as very unusual accurate pieces of information, because the aftermath is in proportion to what created the incident that leads right back to the number fraction “1/3”! If I change this figure to higher or lower, the scriptures become impossible to work with. If you notice that in passages 8: 7-12, they have one thing in common; and that is a simple number fraction of “1/3”. Now, every time I use this fraction in any of my calculations or in reference too; it always leaves me with a reasonable and very capable answer. Another words, the answer never goes beyond or less than what could actually happen.

At the time of this event, the earth will be smacked with one-big solar flare. These clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms will reach Earth in one or two days, maybe even weeks, in which case knocking out satellites and any other un-super shielded electronics. It might be a good idea to own a bike! 1/3 of the moon is smitten’ed or may visually appear to be, but that’s still a pretty good size smite. A good size comet hitting the moon may cause the moon to start rotating. (Presently the moon does not rotate).

Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

4th event from Rev 8:12 – ……the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise,

In passage Rev 8:12, it states that this comet hits the moon and then hits the earth 8 -14 hours later! This 8 -14 hour span pre-dictates the location of the moons orbit with the earth. Another words for the comet to hit the moon and then 8 hours later hit the earth, can only happen around the time of a solar eclipse. So another words after the sun has been hit; 129.4 days later there is a solar eclipse. Now, don’t go running off to the NASA solar eclipse web site just yet. There is more information.


                                                                                   Chapter Two.


 Narrowing down the area of the impact zone!

 Is it possible to know where this comet will hit the earth?


Many people believe that the whole world is going to end; facts and simple reasoning tell us that this is not true! The book of Revelation is purely a Jewish composition and a localized prophecy whereas the whole Bible by itself is the history of the area of Asia and some parts of Europe, although the whole Eurasia continent will be seriously affected by these prophecies talked about in this document; this book called Revelation does not talk about any other area on the present day earth. Still today in the 21st century, many still interpret the word “earth” talked about in the Bible as the whole world as we know it today!

Reasoning with the facts!

We in the 21st Century can stand back and view the whole earth, its land and boundaries, and yet we do not know how big it is without some type of mileage scale. Our knowledge extends to the depths of our oceans and off millions miles into space with much ease and documented detail. The Book of Revelation is 2000 years old, and civilizations have very much changed since these times.

We are still at present dates discovering new ancient civilizations. How strange do we find in our history lessons that ancient civilizations thought the earth was flat, and that all the planets in our solar system orbited around the earth! Though, ancient history has been much more viewed and bettered composed to date, we find that there were tid-bits of isolated information stating that some cultures did in fact theorized that the earth was a sphere. The Bible itself states the earth was a sphere, and yet in its ancient times; it was considered flat; although most of these ancient cultures really didn’t care; they had no need to want to know. But then there were those cultures that found a need to go out killing and conquering other lands; these peoples needed maps.

We find in our studies that the ancient Eurasian cultures had their own individual belief systems. They had their own gods and systematic social sciences; whereas each were socially divided and kept separated by each other’s ignorance’s.

In general, In ancient Eurasia to about 1492, there are clues and traces of information that some venturous cultures did visit the America’s, although these were isolated, undocumented and un-broadcasted events. There are also recorded clues that the ancient Greeks and a few other cultures had theories that the earth was round, but did not yet have knowledge of other landmasses other than the ancient Eurasian continent. These cultures assumed that everything else was made up of water or seas. The bible itself talks about earth as being a sphere. The ancient trade routs were well kept secrets and the global communications were not of that of today.

Now the ancients, at the time the book of Revelation was written, especially those that were translating and reinventing the Bible; believed that the earth as they knew it (known as Eurasia today) was flat and was depicted by the more knowledgeable back in the time as being either square or a round disc shape. I would presume that the author of the book of Revelation would have followed this same belief that the earth was flat and square. Rev 7:1 supports this reasoning, where it mentions “the four corners of the earth”. What I am conveying here is that there were countries with cultures that were conquers and adventurous individuals and governments that went beyond their knowledgeable bounders. Also keep in mind; there are places in Revelation that refer to the “wilderness” as found in passage 12:6. This refers to uncharted areas outside known boundaries back in the ancient times, for example; areas outside of the Roman conquered areas would be unknown lands within the Eurasian continent.

This narrows down the comet impact site in Asia and Europe. Now, I’m speaking of Eurasia in reference to the comet impact zone only, not the debris zone that will be wide spread across the Eurasia continent extending possibly to the east coast of the American continent!

The impact zone:

Starting with the clues in the 5th event from Rev 8:10

{ and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters! }

  1. and it – (pertains to the same comet that collided with the sun and the moon)
  2. fountains of waters(Double Plural) (Many Main water source’s) 
  3. rivers(Plural) (fresh water rivers leading from main water source)

I located only one area in Asia that has these characteristics. This area has many fresh water glaciers, and 10 major fresh water rivers that begin at the base of these glaciers. I have identified this area as the (fountains of waters) in mid-Asia, which provides all of the fresh water to three million plus people in Asia. These mountain glaciers wrap half way around the Takla Makan Desert and then across the Himalaya Mountains as presented in the following two pictures.


The following picture is a view of the more southern half of these fresh water glaciers.

Now let’s talk about the catastrophe that awaits these lands.

In Rev 8:10 it is written: and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters! In the following map that I put together shows several subjects matters starting with the location of the fountains of water and the rivers. In the area circled with green has a tremendous amount of fresh water glaciers. The ten (10) fresh water rivers (the blue arrows) are the melt runoffs from these glaciers sources that supply over three million people in Asia. There is nowhere else in the world that has this type of trait.

Another outstanding trait is my resource on volcano’s shows that this map is loaded with volcanoes, which are located by red X’s. Fact is, that there are so many volcanoes’ that I can’t display the map large enough to mark them all! In the 9th event, passage 8:8 it is written; and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea ….. Now I interpret this passage, that this mountain or most likely volcano, did not explode, but was possibly cast into the sea by the intense surface pressure produced by the comet passing over. Supporting this theory, notice that this passage does not say that this “mountain burning with fire” was smitten’ed, as the sun and the moon were. The Mediterranean Sea area has 15 sea edge volcanoes, although I don’t have them all marked on the map. The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea do not have any these necessary characteristics for a volcano to be cast into the sea. Although, Japan has over 40 volcanoes; but then we are straying outside the picture of script. The Mediterranean Sea is the most likely place for this subject matter.

The great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea ….., creates the subject matter in the 10th event from passage 8:9 – And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

In 8;9 …. and had life, died; ….; I perceive this portion of this passage that much sea life was already dead, and the volcano being cast into the sea killed one third of them that were left.

Now, before we continue; in order to get the full view of the 10th event Rev 8:9; we need to talk about the Mediterranean Sea to see what’s all at stake here.

The coastline on the Mediterranean Sea has 54 cities totaling 10,800,000 people. There are also 10 Islands with a total population of 10,079,862 people; that’s adds up to over twenty million people. It is among the world’s busiest shipping routes. Approximately 220,000 merchant vessels carrying more than 100 tons of payload each enters its ports each year. That’s about (Real Fact) one third of the world’s total merchant shipping and often they are carry hazardous cargo whereas it concerns populations, as if an incident would accrue the marine life and fisheries would be devastated. A significant source of marine pollution is contributed from discharge of chemical tank washings and oily wastes. Approximately 250-300 oil tankers cross this sea every day carrying an annually of 370,000,000 tons of oil every year, that’s more than 20% of the worlds total. This oil industry has an average of 10 accidental oil spills per year; this does not include the estimated 1000 (plus) tons of deliberately released oil from shipping activities.

The United Nations Environment Program has estimated that 650,000,000 tons of sewage, 129,000 tons of mineral oil, 60,000 tons of mercury, 3,800 tons of lead and 36,000 tons of phosphates are dumped into the Mediterranean each year.

This also brings to light, the amount of oil port storage facilities. There are 7 oil refineries with port storage facilities with expansion considered, dealing with gas and diesel fuels; storage unknown. In the 2013 expansion plan, 12 new storage facilities are planed. There will then be a total of 38 port oil storage facilities consisting of over 22,388,000 cbm, which is equal to 5.9 billion gallons or 107,533,000 barrels of oil.

A recap of  8:8 and 9 – …….great mountain burning with fire was cast into

     the sea: ……. and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

After just reading my fact resource on the Mediterranean Sea, there will be a tsunami and I believe there will be a lot more that will happen there than just ships that will be destroyed. The rest I leave to your imagination!

In 7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: First of all, I perceive this comet to hit the earth at a very low angle, at about 30 degrees to the earth. As I have already spoken about previously, it would be coming through our atmosphere at about the same speed as the space shuttle. Therefore this comet could actually come in at angles comparable to the shuttle, like landing. Therefore, now it is possible for the 6th and 7th event Rev 8:7 can and could really happen.

The comets percussion first crossing over the Mediterranean Sea would start to push on ships, oil storage facilities, already refined diesel and gas storage facilities; and then there would be a splat, like a big rock being thrown into a pond at an angle destroying everything in its path, and a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: … and the third part of the ships were destroyed; and then it finally hits the fountains of waters. The ice and rock from the comet along with the glaciers will spatter like buckshot through the atmosphere shredding and killing everything in its path.

The following picture depicts my interpretation of the written passages that you have just read. “Now” the author of revelations writes; and there followed fire; and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. The passages pretty much sums up the area within the red oblong circle. The green circle depicts the fountains of waters where the ice glaciers are located. The yellow arrows depicts the direction of the ice blast.

Recap of the facts: and these are facts; Approximately 220,000 merchant vessels carrying more than 100 tons of payload each enters its ports each year. That’s about (Real Fact) one third of the world’s total merchant shipping – (third part of the ships were destroyed.) 107,533,000 barrels of oil stored at the Mediterranean sea ports – (and a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea)(and there followed fire);

It may be interesting for you the readers to know, that there is more than enough information available for an enthusiastic individual to figure out if there is a star lingering around out there. The Author.
