Jan 292012


Part 2 Rev. 8:7-12

And We Will Watch


First question: Is it possible to know how fast this comet is traveling?

We have time and distance.

Second question: Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

We have a time a time frame.

Third question: Is it possible to know where this comet will hit the earth?

The passages are detailed.

 All in theory, But you will be the Judge!


In Revelations Part 1, I established a meaningful sequence between passages 7 thru 12, another words I reorganized these passages for a more reasonable understanding. Normally, a person would automatically reason out a meaningful understanding with these passages and move on. But, by making these corrections I have found very simple clues that suggest that other information has become more attainable.

We all know that it is anticipated that our earth will someday encounter a catastrophic event of similarities talked about in Rev 8: 7-12. Using these passages, it is possible to determine the amount of area that will be affected by an impact and the falling debris. There is a common reference of “one third” respectively spoken about. I can only assume that one third of the Eurasian continent surface area will be decimated. This brings to light; much more information can be retrieved from these passages.

The clues in passages Rev 8: 7-12, give a very simple and prominent reference point to the location in which the comet named Wormwood will impact the earth. But keep in mind that this comet is not referred to as wormwood until after it poisons the waters! I will display my findings, as the clues are right in front of us. I do not have a degree in astrophysics, so my calculations are rough proximities and simple mathematical gestures. My interpretations are a theory; you the reader in your own frame of mind will decipher your own conclusions.

Now that we have the capacity to see millions of miles into space, we will see and know this star/comet/asteroid; what ever it will be called. And people will watch this star with their naked eye, with great horror as it collides with the sun, then there may be two suns, that would be eerie! After two weeks, the trajectory will again be known; there will be utter chaos! As the inhabitance of earth will watch the collision between the comet and the moon, darkness will fall over the earth like a hangman’s veil before the drop. There will be a unsettling, but spectacular display of fireworks in the earth’s skies as the first bits of debris start to enter our atmosphere, and then impact.

As a recap of Rev 8:7 -12 as a reference to, and for those that have not read Part 1, I have placed these same following passages in the order that is viewed in their sequenced structure. I have labeled these passages as events followed by passage reference.

(asteroid/comet entering the solar system)

1st event from 8:10 – there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp.

And we watched! 

2nd event: from 8:12 – the third part of the sun was smitten.

And we watched!

3rd event from 8:12 – and the third part of the moon!

And we watched!

4th event from 8:12 – and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them –

was darkened and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise,

There is a 8 to 14 hour time span between these two passages.

5th event from 8:10 – and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the

fountains of waters!

6th event from 8: 7 – and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt


7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast

upon the earth:

 8th event from 8:11 – and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters!

 9th event from 8:8 – and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into

     the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

10th event from 8:9 – And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea,

and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.


                                                                     Chapter One

Is it possible to know how fast this comet is traveling?

Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

4th event from 8:12 – ….. the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Take notice that a third part of a day is four hours, and a third part of night is also four hours; we now have “time”. This gives us an 8-hour time span between event 4 and 5. Another words we have a eight (8) to fourteen (14) hour period before the earth is hit. Now why up to 14 hours? I am taking into consideration that the debris field from the comet – moon impact, will take up to six (6) hours approximately to blanket 1/3 of the stars from our view. The 8-hour count down really starts when 1/3 of the stars are shaded from earth view, therefore this comet has to traveling much slower than I originally calculated.

Note: To understand this concept, if the comet hits the moon and then hits the earth at to high of speed; then the comet will hit the earth before 1/3 of the stars are shaded from view; caused by the space debris field. If the comet hits the moon at to slow of speed, then we would only receive the debris in our atmosphere and the comet would likely pass right on by earth; although it would be close.

Now the real fun begins!

The distance between the earth and the moon has an average distance of 238,855 miles. Now, we have two very important numbers, time and distance; in which case we can calculate a speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph, or 38.8 to 22.18 times the speed of sound.

Now, provided the sun really is made up of dense gases, I can presume that this comets speed would somewhat be altered at – sun impact, therefore after this comet hits and leaves the sun, it then will travel 92,761,145 miles along with much debris at a approximate speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph; it will then hit the moon in 129.4 to 226.5 days or 18.5 to 32 weeks. Now, I also presume the comet will slow down when it hits the moon, but; to keep time and speed simple, I made no time and speed alterations that would be considered during both impacts.

Note: Now, the Space Shuttle’s reentry speed is 30,000 km/h; 18,000 mph. The anticipated speed of this comet is 17,061 to 29,856 mph; making the speed of the comet a very worthy ingredient to what follows in the written behaviors found in Rev 8: 7-12. This implication is supported by the 7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: What I perceive here is that a comet coming though the earths atmosphere faster than 30,000 mph, would either skip off the atmosphere or explode before it hit the ground. There would be no hail/ice being cast upon the earth; it would all very much be vaporized.

Also take note that we could end up with two suns maybe permanently or temporarily for a couple of months. At first note, the 1st event from 8:10 – there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp. The major clue in this 1st event is that it is called a “star”; this I perceive that it can be seen by the naked eye before it collides with the sun as referred to in the 2nd event: from 8:12 – the third part of the sun was smitten.

Now, can we approximate the size of this star?  I think we can get close by doing a simple resource on this matter. So how big is big. To develop an idea of how big we are talking about here; Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn can be seen with the naked eye from earth, if you know where to look. This tells us that we will be viewing something big – very big; although, we will be looking for something a little more outstanding or something more vivid.


Lets just view Venus only, it is known as the morning star; it can be at times viewed at sunrise. The diameter of Venus is 403,891 miles less than the Earth’s, and its mass is 81.5% of the Earth’s, again it will be possible to see this Star talked about in Rev 8:10. The Suns surface area is about 11,990 times the surface area of the Earth. The diameter of the Sun is about 864,949 miles, or about 109 times that of Earth. Now the question is, how big does this star have to be to approach the sun, collide, and leave with enough mass to yet smitten the moon and hit the earth. Now, the temperature of the Suns photosphere is about 6,000 K, and above that is the solar corona, which has temperatures between 1,000,000–2,000,000 K. Now, 1000 K = 1340.6 ºF, so we are talking some pretty serious temperatures here.

This Star is traveling at a speed of 17,061 to 29,856 mph. At a million miles out from the Sun; this Stars surface temperature is possibly already reaching 2.68 million degrees F and will already be emitting a bright white glow with a enormous vapor trail. The gravitational pull from both the Star and the Sun ever so increases the speed of the Star as it enters the Suns corona with a spectacular explosion colliding with the Suns hyper-super heated heavy dense gasses. After the comet’s impact with the sun, it receives the same extreme temperatures that it first encountered on its approach; This object approached the Sun as a star and leaves as a small comet, but still sizeable enough too cause damage to the moon and to the designated area on earth. I perceive the original size of this Star to be at least 3 times plus (wild guess visualization) the size of earth; but still the Sun still remaining 106 times larger than this star.

These scriptures 8:7-12 in question, give a very visual descriptive and precise definition of what is to happen. I perceive them as very unusual accurate pieces of information, because the aftermath is in proportion to what created the incident that leads right back to the number fraction “1/3”! If I change this figure to higher or lower, the scriptures become impossible to work with. If you notice that in passages 8: 7-12, they have one thing in common; and that is a simple number fraction of “1/3”. Now, every time I use this fraction in any of my calculations or in reference too; it always leaves me with a reasonable and very capable answer. Another words, the answer never goes beyond or less than what could actually happen.

At the time of this event, the earth will be smacked with one-big solar flare. These clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms will reach Earth in one or two days, maybe even weeks, in which case knocking out satellites and any other un-super shielded electronics. It might be a good idea to own a bike! 1/3 of the moon is smitten’ed or may visually appear to be, but that’s still a pretty good size smite. A good size comet hitting the moon may cause the moon to start rotating. (Presently the moon does not rotate).

Is it possible to know the time frame in which this comet will come?

4th event from Rev 8:12 – ……the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise,

In passage Rev 8:12, it states that this comet hits the moon and then hits the earth 8 -14 hours later! This 8 -14 hour span pre-dictates the location of the moons orbit with the earth. Another words for the comet to hit the moon and then 8 hours later hit the earth, can only happen around the time of a solar eclipse. So another words after the sun has been hit; 129.4 days later there is a solar eclipse. Now, don’t go running off to the NASA solar eclipse web site just yet. There is more information.


                                                                                   Chapter Two.


 Narrowing down the area of the impact zone!

 Is it possible to know where this comet will hit the earth?


Many people believe that the whole world is going to end; facts and simple reasoning tell us that this is not true! The book of Revelation is purely a Jewish composition and a localized prophecy whereas the whole Bible by itself is the history of the area of Asia and some parts of Europe, although the whole Eurasia continent will be seriously affected by these prophecies talked about in this document; this book called Revelation does not talk about any other area on the present day earth. Still today in the 21st century, many still interpret the word “earth” talked about in the Bible as the whole world as we know it today!

Reasoning with the facts!

We in the 21st Century can stand back and view the whole earth, its land and boundaries, and yet we do not know how big it is without some type of mileage scale. Our knowledge extends to the depths of our oceans and off millions miles into space with much ease and documented detail. The Book of Revelation is 2000 years old, and civilizations have very much changed since these times.

We are still at present dates discovering new ancient civilizations. How strange do we find in our history lessons that ancient civilizations thought the earth was flat, and that all the planets in our solar system orbited around the earth! Though, ancient history has been much more viewed and bettered composed to date, we find that there were tid-bits of isolated information stating that some cultures did in fact theorized that the earth was a sphere. The Bible itself states the earth was a sphere, and yet in its ancient times; it was considered flat; although most of these ancient cultures really didn’t care; they had no need to want to know. But then there were those cultures that found a need to go out killing and conquering other lands; these peoples needed maps.

We find in our studies that the ancient Eurasian cultures had their own individual belief systems. They had their own gods and systematic social sciences; whereas each were socially divided and kept separated by each other’s ignorance’s.

In general, In ancient Eurasia to about 1492, there are clues and traces of information that some venturous cultures did visit the America’s, although these were isolated, undocumented and un-broadcasted events. There are also recorded clues that the ancient Greeks and a few other cultures had theories that the earth was round, but did not yet have knowledge of other landmasses other than the ancient Eurasian continent. These cultures assumed that everything else was made up of water or seas. The bible itself talks about earth as being a sphere. The ancient trade routs were well kept secrets and the global communications were not of that of today.

Now the ancients, at the time the book of Revelation was written, especially those that were translating and reinventing the Bible; believed that the earth as they knew it (known as Eurasia today) was flat and was depicted by the more knowledgeable back in the time as being either square or a round disc shape. I would presume that the author of the book of Revelation would have followed this same belief that the earth was flat and square. Rev 7:1 supports this reasoning, where it mentions “the four corners of the earth”. What I am conveying here is that there were countries with cultures that were conquers and adventurous individuals and governments that went beyond their knowledgeable bounders. Also keep in mind; there are places in Revelation that refer to the “wilderness” as found in passage 12:6. This refers to uncharted areas outside known boundaries back in the ancient times, for example; areas outside of the Roman conquered areas would be unknown lands within the Eurasian continent.

This narrows down the comet impact site in Asia and Europe. Now, I’m speaking of Eurasia in reference to the comet impact zone only, not the debris zone that will be wide spread across the Eurasia continent extending possibly to the east coast of the American continent!

The impact zone:

Starting with the clues in the 5th event from Rev 8:10

{ and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters! }

  1. and it – (pertains to the same comet that collided with the sun and the moon)
  2. fountains of waters(Double Plural) (Many Main water source’s) 
  3. rivers(Plural) (fresh water rivers leading from main water source)

I located only one area in Asia that has these characteristics. This area has many fresh water glaciers, and 10 major fresh water rivers that begin at the base of these glaciers. I have identified this area as the (fountains of waters) in mid-Asia, which provides all of the fresh water to three million plus people in Asia. These mountain glaciers wrap half way around the Takla Makan Desert and then across the Himalaya Mountains as presented in the following two pictures.


The following picture is a view of the more southern half of these fresh water glaciers.

Now let’s talk about the catastrophe that awaits these lands.

In Rev 8:10 it is written: and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters! In the following map that I put together shows several subjects matters starting with the location of the fountains of water and the rivers. In the area circled with green has a tremendous amount of fresh water glaciers. The ten (10) fresh water rivers (the blue arrows) are the melt runoffs from these glaciers sources that supply over three million people in Asia. There is nowhere else in the world that has this type of trait.

Another outstanding trait is my resource on volcano’s shows that this map is loaded with volcanoes, which are located by red X’s. Fact is, that there are so many volcanoes’ that I can’t display the map large enough to mark them all! In the 9th event, passage 8:8 it is written; and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea ….. Now I interpret this passage, that this mountain or most likely volcano, did not explode, but was possibly cast into the sea by the intense surface pressure produced by the comet passing over. Supporting this theory, notice that this passage does not say that this “mountain burning with fire” was smitten’ed, as the sun and the moon were. The Mediterranean Sea area has 15 sea edge volcanoes, although I don’t have them all marked on the map. The Black Sea and the Caspian Sea do not have any these necessary characteristics for a volcano to be cast into the sea. Although, Japan has over 40 volcanoes; but then we are straying outside the picture of script. The Mediterranean Sea is the most likely place for this subject matter.

The great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea ….., creates the subject matter in the 10th event from passage 8:9 – And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

In 8;9 …. and had life, died; ….; I perceive this portion of this passage that much sea life was already dead, and the volcano being cast into the sea killed one third of them that were left.

Now, before we continue; in order to get the full view of the 10th event Rev 8:9; we need to talk about the Mediterranean Sea to see what’s all at stake here.

The coastline on the Mediterranean Sea has 54 cities totaling 10,800,000 people. There are also 10 Islands with a total population of 10,079,862 people; that’s adds up to over twenty million people. It is among the world’s busiest shipping routes. Approximately 220,000 merchant vessels carrying more than 100 tons of payload each enters its ports each year. That’s about (Real Fact) one third of the world’s total merchant shipping and often they are carry hazardous cargo whereas it concerns populations, as if an incident would accrue the marine life and fisheries would be devastated. A significant source of marine pollution is contributed from discharge of chemical tank washings and oily wastes. Approximately 250-300 oil tankers cross this sea every day carrying an annually of 370,000,000 tons of oil every year, that’s more than 20% of the worlds total. This oil industry has an average of 10 accidental oil spills per year; this does not include the estimated 1000 (plus) tons of deliberately released oil from shipping activities.

The United Nations Environment Program has estimated that 650,000,000 tons of sewage, 129,000 tons of mineral oil, 60,000 tons of mercury, 3,800 tons of lead and 36,000 tons of phosphates are dumped into the Mediterranean each year.

This also brings to light, the amount of oil port storage facilities. There are 7 oil refineries with port storage facilities with expansion considered, dealing with gas and diesel fuels; storage unknown. In the 2013 expansion plan, 12 new storage facilities are planed. There will then be a total of 38 port oil storage facilities consisting of over 22,388,000 cbm, which is equal to 5.9 billion gallons or 107,533,000 barrels of oil.

A recap of  8:8 and 9 – …….great mountain burning with fire was cast into

     the sea: ……. and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

After just reading my fact resource on the Mediterranean Sea, there will be a tsunami and I believe there will be a lot more that will happen there than just ships that will be destroyed. The rest I leave to your imagination!

In 7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: First of all, I perceive this comet to hit the earth at a very low angle, at about 30 degrees to the earth. As I have already spoken about previously, it would be coming through our atmosphere at about the same speed as the space shuttle. Therefore this comet could actually come in at angles comparable to the shuttle, like landing. Therefore, now it is possible for the 6th and 7th event Rev 8:7 can and could really happen.

The comets percussion first crossing over the Mediterranean Sea would start to push on ships, oil storage facilities, already refined diesel and gas storage facilities; and then there would be a splat, like a big rock being thrown into a pond at an angle destroying everything in its path, and a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: … and the third part of the ships were destroyed; and then it finally hits the fountains of waters. The ice and rock from the comet along with the glaciers will spatter like buckshot through the atmosphere shredding and killing everything in its path.

The following picture depicts my interpretation of the written passages that you have just read. “Now” the author of revelations writes; and there followed fire; and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth; and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. The passages pretty much sums up the area within the red oblong circle. The green circle depicts the fountains of waters where the ice glaciers are located. The yellow arrows depicts the direction of the ice blast.

Recap of the facts: and these are facts; Approximately 220,000 merchant vessels carrying more than 100 tons of payload each enters its ports each year. That’s about (Real Fact) one third of the world’s total merchant shipping – (third part of the ships were destroyed.) 107,533,000 barrels of oil stored at the Mediterranean sea ports – (and a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea)(and there followed fire);

It may be interesting for you the readers to know, that there is more than enough information available for an enthusiastic individual to figure out if there is a star lingering around out there. The Author.

Jan 292012

Part 1, Rev. 8: 7-12; Comet impact, A present day view of Revelation / Apocalypse – Wormwood – Comet, Tsunami.

Part 1 of Part 2


When exploring Revelation passages 8:7 – 12, I found these passages to be already as close to a reality as it can get.To use other supporting apocalyptic sources, other than the book Revelation, would only hinder and complicate the meaningful end results. My interpretations are fashioned from simplicity, blunt reality and plain common sense. Keep in mind, that this is only my theory leaving more than enough room for your own (the reader) personal views.

Much of the time spent on this document was resourcing the most possible similarities and highest probabilities of relationships to the passages chosen from the book Revelation. All passages that are non-useful for this document have been removed. Although, you the reader may have a much better theory than I.

This document is about Rev. 8: 7-12, where as I will be evaluating and giving you a well thought out personal interpretation of some chosen passages pertaining to a very destructive comet/asteroid named wormwood and a very destructive tsunami. The traditional beliefs are passages that have been tagged with meanings that terrible things are going to happen to the whole world, which is not the case. This ideology of “the end times” has been the same for generations leading right up to the 21st Century.

The generations before us have witnessed the first and second world wars which at this present time, there are still survivors. We in the United States of the 21st century, in which this document has been inspired, have never witnessed mass starvation from any mass catastrophic incidences. There are other countries, also, that have experienced these same luxuries that have not watched children starve to death in their parents arms or to collect body parts from the streets to be burned or buried. What I’m trying to convey here is, in the event of a long-term mass catastrophic incident, we people that survive, will suffer these same traumatic memories and experiences as our ancestors.

Pre-summary: Passages Rev. 8:7 -12,

The passages being viewed in this document are Rev. 8:7-12. I’ve taken notice that there is something just not right about the order in which they were rewritten. They appear to take on a Rubik’s cube scenario where as a person has to flip and flop passages to gain a reputable understanding and picture of what the original author was trying to express.

To start with, I’m going to write these selected passages as they are found in the King James Version starting with Rev. 8:7 and ending with 8:12. Then I’m going to reorganize these same passages in a more realistic and logical sequence. Passage 6 is omitted because it has no subject value. Passage Rev 8:5 has also been removed, because it is well connected to a pre-subject matter.

Now as you will notice in passage 7, it identifies the “effects” of a comet impact, but in no way can it be associated with passage 8. It‘s the first clue that suggests that passages 8:7 thru 12 have been placed out of order. It is my thought that the ancient interpreters were trying to retrofit Rev. passage 5 in with passages 7 through 12. Where as passage 5 is the end of one subject of conversation, and passage 7 is the beginning of another.

It’s time to move on with the passages. These following selected passages are as they are written in the Book of Revelation, and then I’m going to place them in an order that will simplify an orderly flow.

Revelation 8: 7 – 12

[7] The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.         (Special Note: I will be flipping the words Hail and Fire when I change the orderly flow!)

[8] And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

[9] And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

[10] And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;

[11] And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

[12] And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Now I’m going to place these same passages in a spawning sequenced order. Please take note, that this order of events may not be 100% correct, but I think it is as close as it will ever be without the support of the original ancient Hebrew scripts in which supposedly don’t exist.

(asteroid/comet entering the solar system)

1st event from 8:10 – there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp.

2nd event: from 8:12 – the third part of the sun was smitten.

And we watched!

3rd event from 8:12 – and the third part of the moon!

And we watched!

 4th event from 8:12 – and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them – was darkened and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise,

5th event from 8:10 – and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters!

6th event from 8: 7 –  and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

7th event from 8: 7 – and there followed fire and hail mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth:

 8th event from 8:11 – and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many                                                                men died of the waters!

 9th event from 8:8 – and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

10th event from 8:9 – And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

Now that we have the capacity to see millions of miles into outer space, we will see and know this star/comet/asteroid. The world will watch it with great horror as it collides with the sun; at first, it will appear that there will be two suns for maybe a week or so. The sun is made up of gasses, and most likely the sun will not slow down this comet; although most of the comets mass will evaporate and decrease much in size. After about three days of what is left of this comet, it will become visible again and the trajectory will again be known; there will be utter gloom and chaos! As the populations of the earth prepare for the worst, the governments will prepare for lockdown. NASA will be busy with its new priorities, but will be helpless because of the immense solar flare that has taken place for one to three days from the impact of the sun. It will knock out all satellites and all unshielded electronics on earth. As the populations watch and wait as this comet continues towards earth; again, there will be utter gloom. As the inhabitance of earth watch the collision of the comet and the moon, darkness will fall over the earth like a hangman’s Veil before the drop. There will be a spectacular display of fireworks in the earths skies as the first bits of debris start to enter our atmosphere, and then impact. Then you will know the rest of the story per Rev 8: 7-12.

Now, this not the end of this story!

Part 2 Rev 8: 7-12, And We Will Watch!

A brief introduction:

Part 2, In theory, I will give a very strong self-supported theory about where the comet named Wormwood may possibly hit the earth along with displaying maps and time frames.  I do believe that I have enough clues to produce this information.

You Will Be The Judge!

The Author

Dec 012011


Apocalypses, Revelations, The End, Mysterious maybe!

The Authors message to the readers.

In the midst of everything mankind has created, our worldly achievements, the mysteries we have uncovered; have we ever seen the face of the man that invented gunpowder? The man that invented the first hanging mirror? The man that invented the first piece of writing paper? Their faces are a mystery, and yet we accept that they did exist because we still hold, see and use what they have created. How many times have you or a friend remember having a dream, and it coming true right in front of your eyes, or a friend seeing you in a place you have never been. Have you ever just paused and wondered about the stories of others that have experienced these same mysteries?

In the course of over 50 years, I’ve been very much attracted to the mysteries in the book of Revelation. My personal insights are that there are way to many familiarities between what details that are written in the passages that describe very unique things that have only been around in the past 75 years. I, being the author; what articles you find on my web site are my documented interpretations and perceptions of my views, kept plain and simple.

On one side of the belief spectrum, the Book of Revelation has become embedded into our population’s religious beliefs as the end of days. My view is on the other side of this same spectrum as I personally view it as a warning to humankind where as there will be survivors in the way of many different beliefs. I firmly believe that mankind and their overly stressed and unchecked behaviors in governments will dictate the date of our end times!

We are supposed to be the caretakers of ourselves, and this very unusual planet we live on. Our scientists have searched the stars for many years, and have not found any other delicate living planet as gifted. Thus far, we are a one of a kind system of life. Humankind on earth has an immense systematic body of knowledge that cannot be measured. In this sense, we have absolutely everything we need, and then some, to live and resolve any issue deemed destructive to life, as we know it. In another view, we all have to be responsible in reversing our harmful earthly mistakes that we have created. For almost 60 years we have had the capacity to destroy every living organism on this planet.

Many times in the course of my life, on a clear beautiful evening, I am mesmerized by the ancient moon craters that have scarred it surface; it is a mirror image and record of our earths ancient past. I’ve always wondered how many times the earth was destroyed and then reborn with some type of life. Since these times, I visualized the hundred of thousands of years it took to scribe this planet to be suitable for life. I can only convey to you the reader, the process that it took for the earth to allow life, and that the Book Revelation expresses that man will destroy much of it.

The biggest mystery about the Book Revelation is that it is a book written two thousand years ago. We all ask ourselves, is the book Revelation fiction or non-fiction?  Its detailed symbolic charade type writings identify objects and destructive behaviors of mass destruction that only corresponds with the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Not only does it describe objects only known in these centuries, it also depicts systematic behaviors or in a orderly fashion in the very same sense. In our scientific minds; “show me – prove it to me;” it’s hard to grasp and acknowledged that a message could be sent by a ancient mentality from the past that can only be understood in our present day knowledgeable and educated societies.

I have been writing documents and keeping notes on these passages from the book Revelation in my spare time for a very long time. This information has been kept private. Periodically I would allow a friend to view bits and pieces of my interpretations. In these times, those individuals were waiting for my next interpretation. Now keep in mind that this started out as a curious private hobby, and now my views are being retrofitted for this web site. The passages that I view are deployed only if I can prove a better than 80% probability that there is meaning in a passage supported by present day resources backed by facts for the correlations.

Now, I will document written historic facts that support and correlate with passages. I will not post names, unless they are in the lime light of a positive view in nature. My articles that I produce on my web site are proof read to assure that rules are being followed. The proofreaders have to understand and make sense of what is being expressed, or the article is returned to me.

Bias’s, I have made it a sincere point not to become bias in any nature. So I will not sphere head any known sect or lead anyone to believe that I stand for any anti nor non-anti political or nonpolitical Religious or Government movements. That is not the nature of this document. My articles are for everyone to read, my strict intent is not to judge any person, sect or belief system. Therefore my name has been omitted from this web site, although a pen name is some day possible.

In all safe curiosity, I would like to bring your attention to a survey that has been implemented on my web site, it is safe and secure. It will not ask for any personal or vital information. The questions that are asked are all in check box form. The safe questions that are asked are; your age, what continent are you living on and your belief system, that’s it. Nothing is bought or sold on this web site. After you click on the vote box, your answers are immediately calculated as to how many people are viewing articles of this nature. Once you have voted your answers, you will be able to review the compiling results that come from all over the world.

 Nice talking to you, the author.

Oct 312011

Introduction: Revelation, Apocalypse, End Times!

The author goes into detail descriptions of the passages written in the ancient Book of Revelations. This emphases is based on the possible meaning of how very unusually descriptive and detailed writings that describe 21st Century instruments of destruction. The Author brings you to profound and blunt realities pertaining to very unusual scripture that will not let you escape its reality. The written views expressed, are over stunning to most readers.

It is hard for anyone to imagine ancient prophecies written 2000 years ago could impact our present day societies where as the so noted “End Times” would bring so much attention to Advertising, Hollywood, Book publishing and even the History Channel! The puzzling questions we all ask ourselves, are we viewing fiction or non-fiction information. The information provided, will leave you the readers in your deepest thoughts.

Is it possible?

       The resources used to in support of the selected passages on this web site, are kept in easy reach for all readers. The Book of revelation is a simple reading, although it is congested with ancient understandings; the most of it can be understood without too much speculation. It is unnecessary to use any other apocalyptic support, where as other forums will only congest its simplicity.

There are no cute little pink elephants dancing across my web pages, no advertisements, nothing for sale and no trailing hooks.

Have a good read

Oct 252011

In the book of Revelation and all through the Bible, there are a lot of references pertaining to “Angels.”  To help understand the Authors views in perspective to the book Revelation, I decided to do a short resource on Angels, because the distinctive meaning and views are very important to the outcomes I present in my documents.

The View and Resources on Angels:

The modern day views of Angels or the trending Angel Mania, has taken on a distinctive place in our anchored traditions in our societies.  The spectacular art displaying statues, figurines, paintings and mass produced pictures has been extensive and profitable.  Our view of the role of Angels with wings has become embedded in the minds of our modern day cultures where as an Angel is not an Angel if it’s without wings.  I myself the Author, too have never known any other view.  Although in the Book of Revelation, the word Angel has a whole different specific ancient meaning, as this resource will explain.


In my resource with “Angels,” my interest is about the meaning behind the word “Angel” only.  What I found was a stressed theory about the word “Angels With Wings and Messenger With Wings.”  In ancient Greek Mythology, the wings appeared on a variety of arts going back to 300 B.C.  As a result, I had to dig much deeper than what I wanted.  Where as the first Christian accepted art form of Angels with wings was in 359 A.C.

In religious histories, the definition of Angels are spiritual beings often depicted as messenger mediators between God and man.  They can be found in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles along with the Quran. The Greek word “Angel” in modern English is a fusion of the Old English word “Engel” (with a hard G) and the Old French word “Angele,” derived from the Latin word “Angelus” which in turn is the Romanization of the ancient Greek word “Angelos,” in which case, they are all defined as the word “Messenger” in modern English, which is also related to the Both Greek verb “Angellō,” meaning “Bear a Message, Announce, Bring news of, etc.”  In the ancient Greek day writings, the word “Angel” was a commonly used word to identify any trusted person receiving and/or delivering a message.  We of the 21st Century address our messengers as delivery man/boy, mailman, postman, e-mail, web messenger, etc.

The study of Angels is known as “Angelology.”  In “Art”, Angels are often depicted with wings.  There are other Spirits involved through out the whole Bible having their own purpose such as “Spirit Angel or Messenger, Spirit Guide, Spirit Comforter, Arc Spirit Warrior Michael, Spirit Companion, Spirit Guardian, etc,” each carrying out God’s tasks and also to serve man kind with a set of very strict rules.  For some reason in the course before or during translating the Bible from Greek to Latin and other languages, the Greek word “Angel,” became the generic word for all spirits from God in the view of Christianity and other folklore, which created a multi-complex understanding.  Now the known origin and use of the English word “Messenger” itself, appeared around the 14th Century give or take a few years or so.  Keep in mind that the Greek word “Angel and the English word messenger” mean the exact same thing, although the views are different for each.

In the authors view of the word “Angel” being used in the book Revelation, strongly suggests that it’s meaning to be “Messenger.”  Where as the Author of these documents being written has found that the word “Angel” is being used to describe something different, other than the original word definition.

So, Where Did the Wings Come From?

There is one strong possibility of where the wings came from.  Getting back to the Ancients, The Romans and Greeks and the surrounding countries were always at war.  The first Christians picked a bad time to expand their beliefs in these areas.  They found themselves confronted by other more established belief systems.  Another drawback was they got pulled into the Roman blood sports.  One thing is that most of these entwining peoples were Romans and Greeks converting to Christianity.

Now focusing on the Greek culture, one fact is, that the ancient Greek symbol for messenger was a wing, and anyone that came into contact with the ancient Greek culture would have come to understand the wing symbol meant “Message Runner,” called “Angel” in the Greek language.  The ancient Greek culture is rich in Mythology.  The first known use of wings in the Greek culture goes back to around 300 B.C.  It only makes sense that when two or more different cultures come together, after time, traditions and beliefs are either weakened out or absorbed through the birth of several generations.  This also happens with religions where as for example; later on in history, Christianity absorbed two holidays, Christmas and Easter where as on one side of the coin it is Christianized and the other side it is considered Paganized.  Another good example is the Bible; where as the first half of the Bible is the Jewish Bible and the second half of the Bible is the Christianized accepted half.  To develop a better view of  how enough time and the entwining of cultures can create change, I developed a time line to prove this possibility.


This reasonable simple time line will decipher a possible time frame of when the spirits from God received their wings.  One fact is that spirits in the Bible did not come with wings, nor can I find written anywhere in the Bible that “Angels/Messengers” have wings.

330-300 B.C.-The Greek winged “Sandal of Hermes” was a icon deity–footed messengers.  There are a lot of other winged artifacts leading back to this time frame, although their meanings are not of the nature of this resource.

146 B.C.-The Romans conquered Greece.  This was the beginning of the intertwining of cultures.

30 to 100 A.D.–The book Revelation surfaced, John the Author.

300 A.D.-Constantine (who professed Christianity) took the pressure off the Christians, allowing them to come out of their secrecies to openly practice their faith ending a 250 plus year Christian blood bath.

325 A.D.-The First Official Christian Bible.

359 A.D.-Rediscovered in 1597, the first known Christian accepted view of a Spirit with Wings found on the marble sarcophagus used for the burial of Junius Bassus who died in 359.  He was a ancient Roman Politician.

This picture is one section of the marble sarcophagus used for the burial of Junius Bassus who died in 359 A.C.  It was rediscovered in 1597 and was placed in the Vatican museum.  “This is a picture file from the Wikimedia Commons.”



397 A.D.-The book Revelation was accepted into Christian canon at the Council of Carthage.

1400 A.D.Spirits with Wings  seems to have resurfaced, and started showing up in art paintings around the time period of about 1400 A.D.

21st Century–Views, all Angels have wings!

By viewing this timeline, it allows you the reader to view the possibilities of when Angels started appearing with wings.

A recap of the view necessary to further understand the Greek word “Angel,” and its usage in the book Revelation.

Present Day-The universal symbolic meaning for “wings” is flying, flight, or something, someone involved with anything that becomes airborne.  Then there is the slang usages, which would refer to a person driving a car fast, running fast, etc.; look at that person fly!  The meaning of the original word “Angel,” is “Messenger”-(Thesaurus)–Noun-A person who carries messages or is sent on errands:  Bearer, carrier, conveyer, courier, envoy–(Representative, Emissary, Herald, Messenger, Diplomat, Ambassador), Runner, and Transporter.  The ancient Greek word “Angel” would have included a “Delivery System,”Messenger by–Donkey (Mountain Path), Camel (Desert), Boat-(Waterways), Runner (Any Path), and Carrier Birds.  A modern view of “Delivery Systems is:  Mailing Systems, Internet, Radio, Newspaper, Television, Cell Phone, Motor Vehicle, Train, Airplane, Space Shuttle, Rockets, and this list goes on and on!

The Symbolic Use of the Word “Angel.”

The Author John in his vision Rev 10: 1-4 posted on this web site used the word “Angel” as a form of symbolism to identify what strongly defines a modern day missile coming down from heaven. He used the word angel as symbolism to identify a delivery system, the type of delivery you wouldn’t want knocking at your front door! This was the only compatible word available to be used from the ancient Greek language to identify what John’s ancient eyes were viewing.

In Mythology, Author Joseph Campbell, professor, an American mythologist, writer, lecturer, best known for his work in comparative mythology and comparative religion.

In mythology, wings are in reference to the “Flight of the spirit”. This pertains to the human spirit that leaves the body at the time of death.

Note: From the Author,

I would like to express that this information is based on sound resources found.  This resource was generated for the sole purpose of identifying that the word “Angel” is being used by John the Author of the book Revelation as a symbolic definition pertaining not always as a spirit being, but as a meaning that is describing and identifying an object that can only be found in the 19th and 20th Centuries.

It is important that you the reader, understands that Angels with wings, is the property of your own personal and traditional beliefs.

The Author

Sep 132011

To start with, Einstein sent a letter to Roosevelt in 1939.  Within the letter Einstein expressed his concerns!  The atomic bomb is the greatest threat the world has.  This actual letter prompt the building of the beginning of nuclear warfare.

Second Source:

This information from another source is extracted from a book called “WAR THROUGH THE AGES”, by Lynn Montross, Copyright 1944,46 and 60. Lib. Congress No. 60-7533.  In general this book is about the strategies of wars, losses, downfalls, luck, propaganda’s, cold wars, and the politicians and governments that started these wars.  Basically she states, war itself Is a Disease of Politics.  Atomic research for military purposes began in 1941 when Americans, British and Canadian scientists pooled their knowledge at the request of Roosevelt and Churchill.  Three small cities were built in the U.S. to furnish plants and laboratories, and $2 billion went into experiments conducted by 65,000 scientists and technicians–“Yep, that’s right; 65 thousand.”  Montross goes on to say that; the thought of ensuing months showed evidences of panic after the two atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan.  Statesman, educators, clergymen and soldiers of the English speaking nations gave out gloomy statements; and the scientists who had created this new weapon were equally bewildered.  Also in this text was written that U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was ordered to stand down from a full assault on the Japanese mother land!  The Japanese Government started their surrender procedures two months before the atomic bombs were dropped!

Third Source:

Douglas MacArthur (1880–1964), U.S. General.  Speech, Sept 2, 1945, broadcast shortly after atomic bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the subsequent surrender of Japan, ending the Second World War.  He Quoted-We have had our last chance.  If we do not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door.

Fourth Source:

Excerpts taken from a college book called the “Annotated Instructor’s Edition “Society” The basics by John J. Macionis–Copyright 2004 on Pg. 328, it states!  Despite the easing of the superpower tensions, the world still contains 20,000 nuclear warheads, representing a destructive equivalent to five tons of TNT for every person on this planet.  It also states that Great Britain, France, China, Israel, India, and Pakistan are the current members of the nuclear club.  Experts say Libya, Iran, Iraq and North Korea have programs to develop nuclear weapons.  By 2010, as many as fifty countries could have the ability to fight a nuclear war.


Now this generation of scientists that created the atom bomb were still a hardened people based on 21st Century perception.  What do I mean by a hardened people?  This generation went from horse and buggy to automobiles, one half-acre backyard gardens to fast foods restaurants, telegraphs to telephone, household plumbing, electricity and airplanes within thirty years!  The fact of the matter is that outhouses were still in use beyond this generation–and yet this generation developed the math to figure out the working dynamics to build and set off an atomic bomb without the help of any scientific computers.

Now, if these backyard bunch of hicks can produce an atomic bomb (That generation presumed in their time equal of being a third world country according to today’s 21st Century standards)–then anyone in this present Century can do the same,-all they need is one key element!  Oh, by the way,-approximately thirty years ago, news slipped out that something like 120 nuclear Russian detonators were unaccounted for,-I wonder if they found them.  I no longer have the source info on this issue, so these unaccounted detonators have been labeled an urban legend.

As a result of this generation that created the atomic bomb, the earth itself has developed three very serious issues.  (1) As everyone understands is the fallout!  (2) Every time there is an underground nuclear test, it rings the earth like a bell-causing the earth to vibrate.  This can and will cause the earths plates and volcanoes to move and wake up prematurely.  (3) What’s the first thing a science teacher tells you not to do with magnets?  The mother of all rules is, do not tap sharply on a magnet, and do not drop a magnet on a hard surface floor!  That is because it will loose it’s magnetism!  Oh!–The earth’s axis depends on magnetic poles.  Nuclear Fusion is the major key to the creation to whom and what we are.  I’m leaving the rest of the story to you (the Reader).

Sep 102011

Have you ever played the game “Charades?”  When John was given a vision, remember he didn’t have the necessary word vocabulary to decipher what he was looking at.  So he described these things in what we call written Pictorial Language.

Let me begin with some simple passages I picked out, my objectives are to allow you the reader to clue in on their simplicities, and yet, keep you from becoming shock bound!

But remember to look through John’s eyes.


Rev 6:12-And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.

Rev 6:13-And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

Rev 6:14-And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.


“This is a very easy passage to decipher” Reading the written Pictorial Writings, I perceive of what is a volcanic eruption!  Using examples and sources that are readily available, well it doesn’t take much to figure this one out.  But, it’s not the simplicity of this interpretation that got my attention here,–it is the strange insight that I picked up on as I was finishing it!

Resource: Sackcloth-Rev 6:12:  A garment of rough cloth made from goat’s hair and worn in the form of a shirt or as a girdle around the loins, by way of mortification and penance.  The Latin name is said to be derived from Cilicia, where this cloth was made, but the thing itself was probably known and used long before this name was given to it.  The Sackcloth, for instance, so often mentioned in ancient text as a Symbol of Mourning and Penance, and the garment of camel’s hair some what similar.  It is also called Haircloth, pertaining to the material used to make the cloth (Hair).  The act of cleansing (Mortification and Penance) dealt with in combination of wearing the garment made from hair and ashes!

(Author’s Views)–If you the reader have ever cleaned a fireplace or chimney, you would have a clear understanding of the full meaning of soot (Ashes), it’s black!

Resource:  Moon became as blood-Rev 6:12-According to folklore, October’s full moon is called the “Hunter’s Moon” or sometimes the “Blood Moon.” It gets it’s name from hunters who tracked and killed their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead.  You can picture them:  Silent figures padding through the forest, the moon overhead, pale as a corpse, it’s cold light betraying the creatures of the woods.

That same Red Light plays across the moon when it’s inside Earth’s shadow.  The exact Color depends on what’s floating around in Earth’s atmosphere.  Following a Volcanic Eruption, for instance, Dust and Ash can turn Global Sunsets Vivid Red.  The moon would glow Vivid Red, too.  Lots of clouds, on the other hand, extinguish sunsets, leading to darker, dimmer eclipses.  Moon became as blood-Rev 6:12.

Resource:  At least five generations have seen picture footage of the Mount St. Helen’s Volcano eruption and the aftermath of it’s explosion!  The eruption reached about 80,000 feet in less than 15 minutes, spread across United States in 3 days; circled Earth in 15 days, 0.26 cubic miles (1.4 billion Cubic Yards) was blasted into the atmosphere, the ash and pumice settled 10 inches deep at 10 miles downwind; 1 inch at 60 miles downwind; the lateral blast swept out of the north side of (MSH) at 300 miles per hour creating a 230 square mile fan shaped area of devastation reaching a distance of 17 miles from the crater.  With temperatures as high as 660° degrees F° and the power of 24 Megatons of thermal energy, it snapped 100 year old trees like toothpicks and stripped them of their bark.  A common hydrogen bomb only has the power of up to 10 megatons.

The hydrogen bomb is thousands of times more powerful than an atomic bomb.  There have not been any hydrogen bombs used in warfare, however, there have been underground testing of hydrogen bomb tests.  Most of these tests are done underwater due to risk of destruction.  To give you an idea of how strong the H-bomb is, think about this.  This atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan which killed over 140,000 people had the power of 13 Kilotons.  A common hydrogen bomb has the power of up to 10 megatons.  All the explosions in World War II totaled “only” 2 Megatons–20% of the power of ONE common hydrogen bomb.  Black as sackcloth of hair 6:12,   stars of heaven fell 6:13–Pumice, stars of heaven fell 6:13-Pumice is a textural term for a volcanic rock that is a solidified frothy lava.  The red hot glowing pumice coming back down from the sky after the eruption, I would consider “Stars of Heaven Fell.”  Although, for a person to see the red hot glowing pumice, it had to be at night or very close to it.

Source:  As a scroll when it is rolled together Rev 6:14.  Let me point out that the individual that took the pictures forty miles from the Mount St. Helen volcano eruption did not survive.  The pictures below of the nuclear blast consisted of 13 Kilotons of thermal energy compared to the 24 Megatons of thermal energy produced from the (MSHV) eruption!  So in all actuality, (MSH) was 18 plus times larger than the nuclear blast pictured below!  I used these pictures to display the “Heaven Departed” and the “As a scroll when it is rolled together.”  Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together-Rev 6:14.



The strange insight that I picked up on in this interpretation with the resources given:

(1)  Could John have witnessed this event in his lifetime?

(2)  Is there any such history of this event in John’s lifetime in the areas he resided?

(3)  If John would have first hand viewed this event, would he have survived?

Now, John thus far has done a very good job being descriptive in this first scripture.  In my personal view, John’s expression of this interpretation is extraordinarily precise. In all that John has written in the book of Revelation, this simple view enables the readers to trust that most of Book of Revelation can be understood.

Now again, what I am trying to express in this interpretation, is that John was clear headed.  There is no sign of any drug induced–way out–wild or far fetched dream going on,–like Walt Disney’s colorful LSD trips he used to design his multi-billion dollar theme parks!

(Author)-According to the two clues to where a blast of this magnitude can happen is–I’d stay away from the areas located among Islands and volcano’s, far–far–away!

Continue to The 2nd Interpretation

Sep 092011

Rev 9: 7-10, Helicopter,tails like unto scorpions, Face of a Man       

Interpretation:  First of all, I determined all the possible clues to the Pictographic relationships and then like anyone else would do, I study it’s relationships.  Looking through John’s eyes does not take too much practice, so take your time anyway!  Reading the Written Pictorial Writings 9:7-10, it was easily concluded and identified to be a “Helicopter.”

Rev 9:7-And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.

Picture of Desert Locust.

Rev 9:8-And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

Rev 9:9-And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.

Rev 9:10-And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails:  And their power was to hurt men five months.

The Rubin’s Cube Scenario:

Although John was very much in tune with documenting his vision, there is always a small chance of error when it was interpreted from his script to the first ancient hand copied versions. Hand copies were the means for distributing this information back in it’s days. Referring back to the mechanics behind all Journalism, the Languages of the Brain and Pictographic Relationships, that these individuals (Ancient Journalist) of the past that translated this script had the same struggles as those interpreters of today-which is they have to paint the same picture as the other of what they are expressing. Now here’s the issue; if the first ancient translations were originally thought to imply to only those first ancient generations, and if it is meant to be for the present, the 21st Century, then there becomes a strong possibility that these passages were manipulated and Journalized to make sense to the reader in that ancient time period!  In which, the order of expression may get placed out of order of meaningful sentence structure in the process of translation.

I am going to make a correction in the pictographic Relationship/Passage Revelation 9:7 and 9:8.  Now, don’t let this alarm you, because I’m not adding too, nor am I taking away,-All I’m doing is taking two segments and switching them to where they make sense to the sentence structure as they are now switched and so noted as underlined!

Rev 9:7-And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold as the hair of women.


Rev 9:8-And their faces were as the faces of men, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.

In Rev 9:7 and 8, I interchanged two line segments. They are noted as underlined and bolded. The changes to the above two passages were changed to give full meaning to sentence structure. I remind you (The Reader) that I did not add nor take away from the picture expression or object that is being described. Now, back to the interpretation.

Let me explain what I see!  Looking at a Military Helicopter from a distance and even up close, it looks like a locust relating to (Shapes of the Locusts 9:7), and pertaining to Military Chronic Groupings, two or more helicopters such organized, are always in a strait line as the same as relating to (Horses prepared unto battle 9:7).  Now if you were at a distance, up on higher ground looking down at an angle at a helicopter ready for take off with the sun at the same angle on the other side, the sun’s light reflecting off the top of the whirling propeller will look Gold in color (Relating to crowns like Gold 9:7 depending how Orange/Yellow the sunrise or sunset is, and this is a fact.  Now if you question this, the same reflective view can be simulated with a running table or floor fan.  By taking a floor fan and laying it flat-propped on it’s edges on chairs and positioned so that the sun is at the same angle on the opposite side in your view of the fan blades–you will see the sun’s reflection.  If you try to take a picture of this moment, you will encounter a wagon wheel effect–as the propeller will appear to be stationary or not turning as shown in the following picture as shown of the helicopter is in flight. Also the same effect can be experienced sitting on a lake shore on a clear morning sunrise or evening sunset.  The sun reflecting of the lake is beautiful and it is also a serene experience.  Now, “as the hair of women [9:7] is a secondary particle expression pertaining to the gold crown.”

Resource:  In reference to the Gold Crown (The reflection off the whirling propeller-as hair of women)–I did a web search of “Ancient Women Hair Styles” and got this following information.

Resource:  The Ancient Roman Women often dyed their hair usually a Golden-Red Color–referred to in present day as “(Henna Hair Dye)” pictured below!  Now per chance if you were to copy this document to black and white, it would appear as stated–a vibrant Golden-Red in color, relating to the color of the sun’s reflection of the top of the helicopter propeller.

 The noise from a helicopter’s engine and propellers ready to take off or become air-born would sound like the-sound of chariots of many horses 9:9.  Looking at the front of a Attack Helicopter, I can see where John would have used the words; “Faces of Men”-[9:8],  “Teeth of Lions”-9:8, “Breastplates of Iron”-9:9-and the tail end of a helicopter does look extraordinarily very much like “Tails like unto Scorpions”-9:10.  Now, what completes this interpretation is “Stings in their Tails”-9:10)–Stings–is plural!


Continue on to Rev:9-10

Sep 082011

Rev 10: 1-4 , Missile Re-entering sequence found!


Rev 10:1-And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud:  And a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.

Rev 10:2-And he had in his hand a little book open:  And he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth.

Rev 10:3-And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth

:  And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

Rev 10:4-And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:  And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

I would like you the reader to pay close attention to the order of the “Sequence of Events” in REV10:1-4.

Now, the passages REV10:1-4 describes an incidence in a very specific sequence, where as something came down from the heavens, and I find this sequence to be mind blowing outrageously impossible!

Mostly everyone has seen the re-entry of a space vehicle re-entering the atmosphere on TV.

(1)  Long range missiles would come down out of the atmosphere.  (Come down from heaven)-10:1.

(2)  As illustrated in the following picture, At certain points coming through the atmosphere there would be a vapor/con trail and visual heat radiation from atmospheric friction showing colors from the heat ban!  (Clothed with a cloud:  And a rainbow was upon his head)-10:1.

(3)  The heat shield would be Whitish-Red hot!  (Face was as it were the sun)-10:1.

(4)  There would be flames from the rocket engines!  (And his feet as pillars of fire)-10:1.

(5)  At the right moment wouldn’t the nose cone open up like a book? Rev 10:2-And he had in his hand a little book open. (as illustrated below)

(6)  The rocket would launch two multi-warhead guided missiles-this would produce two more vapor trails leading from the main rocket (He set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth)-10:2.

The United StatesPeacekeeper Missile.  Each missile could contain up to ten nuclear warheads (Shown in Red), each of which could be aimed at a different targets.

(7)  Between the main rocket and the missiles that were lunched from the main rocket-seven nukes were released and “detonated.”  (Cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth:  And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices)-10:3-“roareth” –sounds radiating from rocket engines!  Its obvious what the seven thunders are!

(8)  Can you in your wildest dreams imagine the devastation this would do?

(9)  Know go back and read Rev.10:4, Think about it!  Three nukes dropped on the sea and four nukes dropped on the land all at the same time.  Could this ever be possible.  YES, the technology is here, there are several countries that can make this happen right this minute.  (Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.)-10:4.

(10)  Now if your thinking, that I totally miss interpreted Rev.10:1-4, read again Rev.10:1-4.  What I want you to pay attention to is the “exact” sequence in which John wrote Rev:10:1-4,-and then write down the exact sequence of the rocket delivery sequence, that a multi-nuclear rocket would go through when it starts entering the atmosphere to the time of seven detonations on the earth.  You will find that the sequence of Rev.10:1-4, is exactly the same sequence that any space vehicle re-entering the earths atmosphere would follow.  I say-it is hard to argue that this is not a multi-nuclear warhead rocket re-entering the atmosphere.

Rev 10:4-And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write:  And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

“And write them not”–is a thought that can really pull on an individuals imagination!  A person can really speculate the devastation produced by the seven thunders which would be horrific to those in ancient times, in which case could have possibly caused the book revelation itself, to be left out of the bible and lost.  Another speculation is, that it is possible that the geography could have been identified.  It is in the nature of Revelation itself not to be written in not to much detail–(As to what would allow metaphorically, -which horses to be bet on.)  Wouldn’t it be nice to get next weeks newspaper today?

Sep 072011

Rev 9:17, Abrams Main Battle Tank Very Possibly Identified!


Rev 9:17-And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone:  And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.

This interpretation is an object of destruction-military in nature. I firmly believe that John is describing several armored tanks in battle.  In this interpretation I incorporated the best pictures of tanks in which each will best describe John’s vision.

Visioning of what John is witnessing in his vision, I’m viewing a full military tank assault.  John has referred the tanks as Horses, comparing the clanking of the moving tank tracks as galloping hooves of Horses.

One thing to take note of is, the Abrams Main Battle Tank is the only one that i have found that fulfills the characteristics of what John is describing! Below: What I beleive what John was referring to as gems called Jacinth. Rev 9:17-And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone:

                  Fire                                 Burning Coal

Jacinth Resource:  The  “Ancient Jacinth” referred to in Rev. 9:17; there are several variations of this stone and colors. So I pick out the best of my resource that describes the colors that I found that best fits this passage. [Color of a Burning Coal, (Reddish Black-Color of Smoke), Other ancient translation sources express, the Color of Burning Coal, Black Powder, and wouldn’t you know it– the Astro  Sign of Jacinth is Leo,[the Lion] also mentioned in 9:17. (And them that sat on them, having breastplates of Fire, and of Jacinth, and Brimstone).

My speculation on this is, yes there are several breastplates.  First of all we do not know if John vision was at night or day.  Most likely night time!  Now, if it was “them” or men that were firing those turret mounted machine guns, the gun powder flashes coming off the ends of their machine gun muzzles-along with tracer bullets or cannon fire, would be easily viewed as (Brimstone) from John’s view point, it would have lighted up a certain portion of the turret reflecting the machine gun or cannon fire flashes, giving an appearance of breastplates of fire!  [Jacinth Color-of a Burning Coal, and the red gemstone as fire.

(M1A1 Abrams Main Battle Tank) and them that sat on them–“a double plural sentence” strongly viewed as several tanks with machine gunners on the turrets.

Would John have had words to associate with “Cannon/Cannon Fire?” The answer would have been obviously no.

(And out of their mouths issued Fire and Smoke and Brimstone)–This is exactly what a cannon does, no one can second guess these characteristics!

Let’s study the picture characteristics of a Military Tank.

The side view of a turret does have a similar shape of a Lion’s head.

Also some tanks are equipped with flame-throwers, and a cannon mounted on the front of the turret that when fired will produce Fire, Smoke and Brimstone Characteristics.  Also there is most of the time a machine gun mounted on top next to the hatch to keep foot soldiers from getting to close with explosives.

Would John have had words to associatewith a “Turret?”

(And the Heads of the Horses were as the Heads of Lions) Let me point out that the front angle shape of the turret is exactly the same as the Forehead and Eye arrangement of a Lion.


In 1916, the first effective Military Tank was built by Britain, to break through the lethal barriers of the stalemated trench battles. The first tank vs. tank battle was in 1918 between the British Mark 1Tank and Germans A7V Tank.


Right: German A7V tank at Roye on March 21, 1918.

Left: British Mark I tank in action on 26 September 1916 (moving left to right). Photo by Ernest Brooks.







